[Matplotlib-users] import problems matplotlib.transforms, matplotlib.numerix

Eric Firing efiring at hawaii.edu
Wed Apr 22 12:55:16 EDT 2020


You must be trying to run some extremely old code, more than 12 years 
old.  Value and Point date back to the earliest days of mpl (the 
original _transforms.cpp written by John Hunter), and the numerix module 
was a compatibility shim for supporting the original Numeric and 
numarray, which were made obsolete by numpy.  (I removed numerix in 
2010; it had been deprecated for 17 months.)


On 2020/04/22 5:57 AM, Izabel Cvetković wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am having troubles importing from matplotlib.transforms, specifically 
> the Value and Point methods. Other than that I cannot import 
> matplotlib.numerix, the error message is: no module named 
> 'matplotlib.numerix'. Now, I assume that this has to do with the 
> matplotlib version, as I am using the latest version, and when I 
> checked, there are indeed no 'Value' and 'Point' methods in the 
> transforms module.
> Does anyone know how this changed with versions and which version should 
> I use to successfully import these modules?
> Best wishes;
> Izabel
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