[Matplotlib-users] Plotting logging data with dates

Jerzy Karczmarczuk jerzy.karczmarczuk at unicaen.fr
Wed Mar 20 06:04:12 EDT 2019

Le 20/03/2019 à 02:22, Kipton Moravec a écrit :
> I am new and have been reading and playing with the tutorials.  I have 
> not seen what I need to do.
> ...
> I do not know how to plot the date/time x-axis.
> *The user* wants to look ...

"The user"... - I read this as the evidence that you are doing some work 
for somebody else. And yet, you demand that the*matplotlib list solves 
ALL your problems??*

Perhaps, instead of "playing with tutorials" you read the documentation, 


and some stackOverflow pages about months plotted with Matplotlib.

There is PLENTY of information about plotting temporal data. Such 
formulations as "I do not know what might work." is not a way to ask for 
a professional help. Google (despite all...) is still your friend. I 
found almost immediately about 20 relevant pages, and I am sure you can 
do it yourself as well.

(And, of course, Pandas has a full section on this sort of data)

Jerzy Karczmaczuk

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