[Matplotlib-users] [REL] Matplotlib 3.1.0rc1

Thomas Caswell tcaswell at gmail.com
Sat Apr 20 22:09:52 EDT 2019


We have tagged Matplotlib v3.1.0rc1.  The tarball and wheels are on pypi
and can be installed via

pip install --pre --upgrade matplotlib

conda-forge packages are

Highlights of the new features:

 - A concise date formatter
 - Secondary axis support (ex, degrees and radians)
 - A helper method for scatter legends
 - A progress callback for animations
 - No longer requires a framework build of Python to use OSX backend
 - Major and minor ticks will no longer collide by default

In addition we have many API deprecations, mostly to obscure corners of the
code base, in an effort to make the library more coherent and
maintainable.  Please test RC and let us know if any of these deprecations
break down stream projects.

For full details see:



I expect there to be at least one more rc and aim for the final release the
first week of May.

Thank you to all the people who worked on this release!


Thomas Caswell
tcaswell at gmail.com
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