[Matplotlib-users] Using Matplotlib nbagg for _repr_html_ for notebooks

Juan Nunez-Iglesias jni.soma at gmail.com
Wed Nov 7 19:24:45 EST 2018

Thanks Tom! 
My question is, would it be possible for the html to contain the interactive MPL figure, as returned by the notebook backend? There's also _repr_javascript_ it turns out. 
But yes, this is already great, I can use this for _repr_png_.
I'm targeting 3.0+ so "new enough matplotlib" shouldn't be an issue. =) 
On Thu, Nov 8, 2018, at 11:16 AM, Thomas Caswell wrote: 
> Something like: 
> ``` 
> from matplotlib.figure import Figure 
> from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvas 
> fig = Figure() 
> canvas = FigureCanvas(fig) # this step will be optional in mpl 3.1 (and current master) 
> ax = fig.subplots() # assuming new enough matplotlib 
> ``` 
> or one of the other backends. If you are doing this for a htmlrepr you likely want to also do 
> ``` 
> output = BytesIO() 
> fig.savefig(output, format='png') 
> ``` 
> to get the image as a buffer you can inject into the repr (or SVG?) 
> Hope that helps! 
> Tom 
> On Wed, Nov 7, 2018 at 4:38 PM Juan Nunez-Iglesias <jni.soma at gmail.com> wrote: 
>> __ 
>> Hi, 
>> I'm working on a class to which I would like to add a _repr_html_ [1] method for display in Jupyter notebooks. Is there a way to generate a matplotlib notebook backend view "offline" (not using pyplot, since that will behave differently depending on the currently active backend), and then return the corresponding html? 
>> Thanks, 
>> Juan. 
>> .. [1]: https://ipython.readthedocs.io/en/stable/config/integrating.html#rich-display 
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> Thomas Caswell 
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