[Matplotlib-users] Add multiplier to logscale colorer

Nunzio Losacco nunzio.losacco at uniroma2.it
Wed Feb 14 18:58:01 EST 2018

Hi all,

I am producing a contour plot with a lognormalized colorbar.
If the levels are set to numpy.logspace(expmin,expmax,num) * mul
the colorbar labels disappear.
I would like them to be

“mul x 10^exp “

I have been playing a lot with formatters but I didn’t manage to obtain what I want.

Any help?



Dr. Nunzio Losacco
(PhD, MEng, MSc, DIC)
PostDoctoral Fellow
University of Rome "Tor Vergata"
Department of Civil Engineering and Computer Science
Via del Politecnico, 1 - 00133 - Roma

+39 0672597062


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