[Matplotlib-users] beginnings in matplotlib - grey background

Vincent Douce Mathoscope mathoscope at netcourrier.com
Wed Dec 13 13:52:18 EST 2017

i got several answers from some of youn particularyl about differences between plt.... and fig....
i did not have time to understand more deeply all of that 
i spent my time creating the 75 figures of my book
some examples :

no i will start understandign better all of that
i have found how to disable automatic resizing of the figure when for example a curve takes too high values in y
lafigure.axis([xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax]) # permet que si qqch dépasse ça ne perturbe rien ; ouf...
now, i have too questions :
- how can i avoid the grey color of the figure ? i would like it to be blank
the second one in an other mail...

                  Vincent Douce
               :=: Mathoscope :=:
             http://mathoscope.xyz <http://mathoscope.xyz/>
          Bagnères de Bigorre 65200

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