[Matplotlib-users] [REL] matplotlib v2.0.0rc1

Thomas Caswell tcaswell at gmail.com
Tue Dec 6 00:38:27 EST 2016


We are happy to announce matplotlib v2.0.0rc1 !

This is the first release candidate for the long awaited v2.0 release.  For
the full details of
what is new please see http://matplotlib.org/2.0.0rc1/users/whats_new.html .
Some of the highlights:

 - new default styles (
http://matplotlib.org/2.0.0rc1/users/dflt_style_changes.html  )
 - default font include most western alphabets
 - performance improvements in text and image rendering
 - vastly improved log scale ticks
 - many bug fixes and documentation improvements

Please help us by testing the release candidate.  To make this easy we
have provided both wheels and conda packages for mac, linux and
windows.  You can install pre-releases via pip:

   pip install --pre matplotlib

or via conda:

   conda install -c conda-forge/label/rc -c conda-forge matplotlib

For more details see http://matplotlib.org/style_changes.html .

Please report any issues to https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/issues
or matplotlib-users at python.org .

The target for v2.0 final is around late Dec 2016/early Jan 2017.  We
anticipate there being at least 1 more release candidate.

This release is the work of over 200 individual code contributors and many
more who took part in the discussions, tested the beta releases, and
reported bug reports.

Thank you to everyone who contributed!


ps As of sending this email we are still waiting on the mac conda
packages to finish building, (see
https://travis-ci.org/conda-forge/matplotlib-feedstock/builds/181541792) Should
be done in the next few hours, but I want to go to bed ;)
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