[Matplotlib-devel] Expression of Interest in Google Season of Docs for Matplotlib

ROHIT RAJ loginrohitraj at gmail.com
Fri Mar 31 12:09:48 EDT 2023

Hello Mentor

I am writing to express my interest in participating in the Google Season
of Docs program as a technical writer for your project, "Indexing of
Matplotlib Gallery Examples." I am excited to contribute to your
organization and help make your documentation more usable and accessible
for your users.

Matplotlib is a comprehensive library for creating visualizations in
Python, and your gallery of examples is an essential resource for users.
However, as the library has grown organically, the current structure of the
gallery poses significant usability and discoverability problems for users.
I believe that redefining the information architecture of the example
gallery and developing categories and tags for classification could
significantly enhance the user experience and make your library more
accessible to a broader audience.

As an experienced technical writer, I have a strong understanding of
information architecture and content classification. I have worked on
similar projects in the past, and I am confident in my ability to deliver
the proposed guidelines for choosing and implementing tags for the
Matplotlib gallery examples successfully. Additionally, I have experience
collaborating with development teams, and I understand the importance of
communication, feedback, and iteration in the software development process.

I am passionate about open-source software and believe in its power to make
a positive impact on the world. I would be honored to contribute to
Matplotlib's mission of making data visualization accessible to everyone.

If you select me as a technical writer for this project, my first steps
would be to understand the current state of the example gallery and audit
the existing content. I would then work with your team to develop a tagging
scheme and guidelines for classification, focusing on improving the
discoverability and usability of the gallery. Finally, I would propose
entry points and learning paths for users to navigate the documentation,
making it easier for them to find relevant examples.

Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing back from you

Best regards,
Rohit Raj
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