[Matplotlib-devel] Matplotlib New Contributor Meeting Today

Noa Tamir hello at noatamir.com
Tue Jun 7 04:58:51 EDT 2022

Hi folks 👋,

The next Matplotlib New Contributor Meeting will be held today, June 7th (Tuesday) at 5:00 PM UTC.

Johnny Gill, one of the Matplotlib contributors, will talk about "the history of matplotlib and how I use it to explore the universe with blume and gotu".

To join us please check our meeting calendar at Scientific Python [1], which has the meeting times, with links to the agenda we prepared and the meeting zoom link [2].


Greg (he/him), and Noa (she/her)

[1] https://scientific-python.org/calendars/

[2] https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81285851006?pwd=Tks2QjRkNWh5NGw0TmU1RUwwOVluZz09
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