[Matplotlib-devel] 2FA on github

Thomas Caswell tcaswell at gmail.com
Tue Apr 14 15:59:27 EDT 2020


We are now able to enroll in github's sponsor ship program [1] and have the
donations go straight to our account with NumFOCUS!  However the catch is
that in order to configure it we must make 2FA [2] required for membership
in the Matplotlib organization.  Currently about 50% of us do not have it
set up.

The status-quo is that the "sponsor" button directs people to
https://github.com/sponsors/numfocus .  Any money donated that way goes to
the NF general account, but it is not earmarked specifically for us.

I am inclined to enable required 2FA (I was thinking about trying to do
this anyway) but would like to open the floor to any concerns.  If you have
concerns that you don't feel comfortable discussing on the mailing list
please email me directly.

I would like to aim to flip the switch (which will remove everyone without
2FA form the org!) in 4 weeks.


ps: I personally use a yubikey and love it

[1] https://github.com/sponsors

Thomas Caswell
tcaswell at gmail.com
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