[Matplotlib-devel] Fwd: Mentored sprints for underrepresented folks @PyCon US

Northwest UK PyLadies nwuk at pyladies.com
Tue Mar 5 12:35:09 EST 2019

Mentored sprints for diverse beginners: May 4th 2019, 2:35pm
Join us for the first PyCon US mentored sprints for diverse beginners

We are very excited to announce the mentored sprints for diverse members of
the Python community  🎉🐍🙌

*When: *4th of May 2019 from 2:35pm to 6:35 pm, during the main section of

Its main aim is to support folks from underrepresented groups in our
community that want to start contributing to open source projects. We will
provide mentorship during the day as well as git support and an
introduction to open source contributions.

*Applications for mentors and attendees are open until the 14th of March
Mentors /maintainers

We are looking for mentors and/or core developers/maintainers of open
source projects interested in taking part in the sprint and mentor the
attendees over the day.
What you need to know

   - The sprint will last from 2:35pm - 6:30pm but it will be divided in
   two slots of 2 hours so you can choose between a 2 and 4 hours commitment
   to the sprint.
   - You do not need to maintain a project or to have merge access to a
   project to mentor on the day
   - There can be more than one mentor per project. We will provide you
   with guidance and help to prepare for the day (i.e. have beginners friendly
   issues, provide advice on how to better serve a diverse community, and
   provide you with as much support as needed.
   - You do not need previous experience with sprints and/or mentoring.

Go to mentors sign up <https://goo.gl/forms/YCZP5auVi5ZFtMjg1>

   - You do not need to have previous experience contributing to open source
   - We will provide on-site guidance and mentoring
   - We strongly encourage members from underrepresented groups in our
   community to attend
   - It is a great opportunity to learn and meet others in the community

Go to contributors sign up

If you want to contact the organisers please email us at nwuk at pyladies.com

For more details visit https://us.pycon.org/2019/hatchery/mentoredsprints/
Please share with your network  🐍
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Tania, Mariatta, Nina and Nikoleta
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