[Matplotlib-devel] Any plans to change the defaults in matplotlibrc

Isaac Gerg isaac.gerg at gergltd.com
Wed Jan 6 11:21:47 EST 2016

I've started work on a test script for matplotlibrc files.

Its here: https://github.com/isaacgerg/matplotlibrc

Its my plan to continue to update this along with my rc file as I go along
my day.

On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 10:57 AM, Isaac Gerg <isaac.gerg at gergltd.com> wrote:

> To add, I should also say you could just paste a URL and it downloads the
> rc file and shows the plots.  Matplotlib makes this easy!
> On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 10:56 AM, Isaac Gerg <isaac.gerg at gergltd.com>
> wrote:
>> Thanks for everyone's replies.
>> I am still perfecting my rc file but am happy to share what I have so
>> far.
>> https://github.com/isaacgerg/matplotlibrc
>> I did a research project a few years ago on color theory and am updating
>> my rc file based on my findings.
>> Additionally, it would be really cool to have some kind of webapp whereby
>> a user uploads their matplotlibrc file and the server generates a set of
>> plots based on it.  I'm happy to take a whack at it if folks want to chime
>> in and email me some example plots to render.  I would keep it to simple
>> plots to start.
>> I am aware of the plotornot "experiment" and also have rolled some of
>> those features into my rc file as well (its very based off of Cam
>> Davidson's)
>> Isaac
>> On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 8:53 AM, Michael Droettboom <
>> mdroettboom at continuum.io> wrote:
>>> The omnibus PR containing most of the style changes for 2.x is here:
>>> https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/pull/5774
>>> This isn't everything -- some changes are already in 2.x and master.
>>> Others are in separate PRs with 2.0 as a milestone.
>>> The new changes are being made against 2.x and are forward-ported to
>>> master.
>>> Also, to answer Isaac's original suggestion: if you have a matplotlibrc
>>> that you think would be useful for others, feel free to submit it as a
>>> style.  Since 1.4, we've had a style infrastructure that makes it easy for
>>> users to switch styles.  While the default style has to be very carefully
>>> designed so as to provide "reasonable behavior for the most common cases",
>>> individual styles do not and can be more aggressively different.
>>> Mike
>>> On Tue, Jan 5, 2016 at 10:08 PM, OceanWolf <
>>> juichenieder-nabb at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
>>>> Good question... I have gotten a bit out touch with the current state
>>>> of things so I defer to others.  As far as I know the current plans at the
>>>> moment only include changes to the default colormap to viridis, but others
>>>> can get changed as well. feel free to post a link here, or (I guess even
>>>> better), make an issue/or PR (changing rcsetup.py) on github, so that we
>>>> can take it into consideration for 2.0.
>>>> Looking at the state of the branches on github I have gotten a bit
>>>> confused with the strategy... now we have 1.5 released and 2.0 marked as a
>>>> copy of 1.5.x bar rc changes, I would have assumed the new rc changes would
>>>> end up in master and then backported to the v2.x branch, but that doesn't
>>>> look like the case... can someone clarify that for me?
>>>> Best,
>>>> OceanWolf
>>>> On 06/01/16 03:26, Isaac Gerg wrote:
>>>> Where is the new rcparams?
>>>> On Tue, Jan 5, 2016 at 9:13 PM, OceanWolf <
>>>> juichenieder-nabb at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Isaac,
>>>>> As it happens, yes, in the upcoming 2.0 release has the sole purpose
>>>>> of changing rcParam defaults, see
>>>>> <http://matplotlib.org/style_changes.html>
>>>>> http://matplotlib.org/style_changes.html for more information.
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> OceanWolf
>>>>> On 05/01/16 23:31, Isaac Gerg wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I was wondering if there are any plans to change some of the defaults
>>>>> in matplotlibrc.  I have created a matplotlibrc file that I find very
>>>>> suitable and wondering if its worth sharing here.
>>>>> Isaac
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>>> --
>>> Michael Droettboom
>>> Continuum Analytics
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