[Matplotlib-devel] wxMPL status?

Matt Newville newville at cars.uchicago.edu
Tue Feb 23 17:23:40 EST 2016

HI Chris, Carlo, All,

On Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 4:27 PM, Chris Barker <chris.barker at noaa.gov> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Anyone know what's up with wxMPL? It looks like Ken hasn't updated in soe
> time, and it doesn't work with recent MPLs:
>     from matplotlib.axes import _process_plot_var_args
> ImportError: cannot import name _process_plot_var_args
> We had a discussion about this a good while back:
> https://sourceforge.net/p/matplotlib/mailman/message/29770257/
> anything ever come of that???
I guess not --  I haven't looked at this in a long time.   I am still
maintaining wxmplot, and using it for quite a few apps, and I know at least
a few other people are using it too.  Development (
https://github.com/newville/wxmplot) isn't fast, but it is not dead either.

My recollection was that there was a lot of overlap in functionality,
between wxmplot and wxmpl.  For example, I believe both have a PlotPanel
class, derived from wx.Panel, and that although the initialization
arguments and methods names were pretty different, much of the real
functionality was similar.  What uses of wxmpl would need to be ported
and/or translated (or some combination) to wxmplot to fit your needs?

But: I also have to say that the lack of wxPython (and matplotib+wx
backend) for Python3 is a major concern.  If matplotlib's wx backend
supported Phoenix, I'd be more inclined to work on this.  As it is, there
is not much evidence that investing significant time in wxPython-based
libraries is a good use of time.

If something like wxmplot.PlotPanel and ImagePanel (especially wrt giving
end users a configuration panel to adjust the plot / image) existed in
PyQt, I would seriously consider switching many of my GUI apps away from
wxPython right now.  To be clear, II have ~25kLOC of wxPython code and half
a dozen non-trivial apps that I use at my lab daily.

So, while I'm sympathetic and willing to help some, I'm more concerned
about the very sad state of wxPython.  If someone approached me about
"porting wxmplot to PyQt" (and replace the truly horrible matplotlib
defaults) I would be much more inclined to say yes.

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