[Mailman3-dev] Interface and timescales

Jim Killock jim.killock at hebffinia.com
Thu Jun 23 22:13:07 CEST 2005


Let me first just say that I am not a coder - although I am an html web 
designer and involved in one or two FOSS projects.

What I am interested in re: Mailman 3 is possibly having some input 
into the html design / interface design. I'd like at least to make some 
suggestions as it gets built.

I am currently also helping run a mailman list server with over 80 
lists and counting so some of the problems you are looking at here seem 
very worthwhile solving, it's very encouraging; so I'll just listen in 
a lot of the time. (btw, I'd be interested to know what your timescales 
are too!)

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