[Mailman3-dev] Problem with the schema

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Fri Apr 1 07:38:05 CEST 2005

On Thu, 2005-03-31 at 05:05, J C Lawrence wrote:

> It becomes more complex when/if you want to support the concept of a
> user having an account with the system, to which are registered some
> number of email addresses, various connections from both the account and
> individual addresses to rosters and lists, with various arbitrary mail
> policies attached to each address as well as the account to control/hint
> mail flow (eg "For rosters Q, R and S, only send messages shorter than
> NNN to this address").

No kidding it gets more complex!  But we thought about this at the
sprint and we certainly designed the schema with this model in mind. 
Whether we've gotten it right or not remains to be seen.


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