[Mailman3-dev] anti-spam related features

Marilyn Davis marilyn at deliberate.com
Mon Mar 15 14:44:28 EST 2004

On Mon, 15 Mar 2004, Erez Zadok wrote:

> The amount of spam is increasing in a scary way.  All of my lists are closed
> to non-subscribers (is anyone in their right mind still uses open lists?
> :-).  On occasion I still get some valid posting from a non-subscriber:
> sometimes from a new person, and sometimes from an existing subscriber that
> uses a different email address.  So I cannot just drop all posts by
> non-subscribers b/c I don't want to miss those few good ones; OTOH, every
> day I have to wade through many spams that are left for me to moderate, and
> reject/discard each one.  Here's what I'd like to see:
> - a one button to accept/reject/discard ALL pending messages.
> - a way to automatically purge pending messages that haven't been accepted,
>   rejected, or discarded after N days of waiting.  That way I don't have
>   bother logging in and cleaning them up every day.
> - another posting mode that uses an authentication challenge-response
>   mechanism such as the confirmation process that's used during the
>   subscription.  Most spammers use bogus addresses and never check them,
>   which is why I personally find challenge-response personal anti-spam
>   systems like ASK and TMDA very effective.  Using a challenge-response, I
>   can essentially allow valid posters who are not subscribers to
>   authenticate their pending posting and let it get posted to the list on
>   their own; this saves me (the list owner) time.

Oh yes!  Please do this!

Marilyn Davis

> - integration with Spamassassin and friends, so I can set a rule that says
>   "discard every message with a score > 5.0".
> - I want a way to reject and/or moderate all non-plaintext email (html,
>   foreign languages, mime encoded, etc.) b/c that's far more likely to be
>   spam.  And a bounce message to go with that to tell the person why their
>   message got rejected.
> - a way for valid subscribers to add aliases to their subscription.  That
>   avoids the usual problem of rejecting/holding a posting from a valid
>   subscriber who sent the post from a different email account.  I don't like
>   the idea of adding a filter rule to allow all future posts for such a
>   person, b/c that rule remains forever, while the original user could have
>   already unsubscribed.
> Cheers,
> Erez.
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