[Mailman] what is the procedure for closing a python related mailing list?

Brad Clements bkc at murkworks.com
Wed Jul 10 03:13:10 CEST 2013


I am one of two administrators for the pythonce list 

This list appears to be pretty much dead. It's received only spam posts 
for about a year.

Since the list volume is so low, I think that future Windows CE 
inquiries could be safely directed to the general python list.

I sent email to the other administrator python-ce at debris.demon.nl asking 
his/her opinion on closing the list, but have not received a response.

What is the policy  or procedure for closing a list?

Is it possible to close the list but retain the archives?

I'm not sure what to do..


Brad Clements,                bkc at murkworks.com    (315)268-1000
Jabber/XMPP: bkclements at gmail.com

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