[Mailman-Users] Subscriber password override?

Lindsay Haisley fmouse at fmp.com
Sat Nov 2 19:30:28 EDT 2019

I have signed a neighbor up to a mailing list I administer. She's
borderline computer literate and hates passwords, so I said I'd assign
her a simple password. It seems that Mailman 2 doesn't allow the list
administrator to assign passwords and I get "Error: The list
administrator may not change the password for a user" when I try.

Is there any way to override this? There should be, since passwords are
as much for protection of the integrity of a list's subscriber base as
they are for protection of a subscriber - and this is rightfully a
concern of the list admin, as is helping subscribers who need some hand

Lindsay Haisley       | "The only unchanging certainty
FMP Computer Services |    is the certainty of change"
512-259-1190          |
http://www.fmp.com    | - Ancient wisdom, all cultures

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