[Mailman-Users] Server joining the CBL blacklist every day!

Henrique Fagundes suporte at aprendendolinux.com
Thu May 31 20:20:34 EDT 2018


Sorry if the text is difficult to understand. I am Brazilian and I do 
not have many English language skills.

I'm just sending this email for information.

There we have I was not able to send emails from my server to some 
domains [especially those linked to Microsoft (hotmail.como, msn.com, 
outlook.com, etc.)].

Then I realized that the IP of my server was listed in the CBL blacklist.

I realized that one of the sites hosted on this server (which is also a 
Web server) was infected by malware that was connecting all the time to 
IP (port 80 and 443).

This infection comes from Wordpress. One of my hosting clients used an 
obsolete version of the Wordpress platform and was eventually hit.

Details here:

Almost every source on his site had been encrypted.
Fortunately, the server automatically backs up the database every day. 
Just delete the old WP, ​​install the new upload dump of the DB.

After I resolved the problem, the IP was no longer listed.


Henrique Fagundes
suporte at aprendendolinux.com
Skype: magnata-br-rj
Linux User: 475399

Participe do Grupo Aprendendo Linux

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