[Mailman-Users] Doubts with Mailman + DMARC + Option "Munge From"

Henrique Fagundes suporte at aprendendolinux.com
Sun May 20 10:13:38 EDT 2018

Dear Colleagues,

First good afternoon!

I apologize to the poorly written English. I am Brazilian and I do not 
have so much knowledge of this language.

I implemented the MailMan solution on a server for testing, to 
homologate before putting into production.

I made the settings according to the documentation and everything flowed 
properly, except for one detail: I saw that there were some problems in 
the delivery of messages coming from some providers, for example: 
ZohoMail, YaHoo and AOL.

So I used the log output from the "/var/log/mail.log" file to do a 
search and then discovered that these providers reject the messages 
because of their DMARC policies.

I also discovered that there is a way to get around this in the MailMan 
options, in the web interface, selecting the desired list, going to 
"administration" and then "general options".

In the following option:

"Replace the From: header with the list's posting address to mitigate 
issues stemming from the original From: domain's DMARC or similar policies."

Just check the "Munge From" option.

As pictured in the link below:

This "solves" the problem.

What's bothering you is that when someone sends an email to the list, 
the "From" field, in addition to the sender's name, is displaying "via 
list name"

Example: I have a list called "clubenaval" and I sent an email to the 
list. It appears like this: "Henrique Fagundes via clubenaval", as 
pictured in the link below:

I'd like to remove that. I would like only the name of the sender to 
appear, in the case of the example, "Henrique Fagundes".

I already researched a lot and I did not find anything related to that! 
Could someone help me?

Here are some more information:

Distribution: Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS x64
Kernel Version: 4.4.0-1057
Apache version: 2.4.18

Postfix version: 3.1.0
main.cf: http://temporario2.aprendendolinux.com/main.cf.txt
master.cf: http://temporario2.aprendendolinux.com/master.cf.txt

Mailman version: 2.1.20
mm_cfg.py: http://temporario2.aprendendolinux.com/mm_cfg.py.txt

I will be very grateful if anyone can help!


Henrique Fagundes
suporte at aprendendolinux.com
Skype: magnata-br-rj
Linux User: 475399

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