[Mailman-Users] Cannot use mailman moderation over HTTPS, fix_url ineffective, mm_cfg.py does not apply

Nikolaos Andriopoulos n.andriopoulos at gmail.com
Tue Dec 4 07:35:51 EST 2018

I am responsible for a server with a number of lists on a server that has
Plesk installed (don't leave just yet!).

Mailman administrative interface loads over HTTPS, and every page in the
administration works as expected -- with the exception of message
moderation, which stubbornly keeps POSTing to plain HTTP.

Things checked:
- The web server configuration seems OK, and properly redirects to HTTPS.
- The current mm_cfg.py ( with comments omitted ) is the following:

    from Defaults import *
    import pwd, grp

    MAILMAN_UID = pwd.getpwnam('mailman')[2]
    MAILMAN_GID = grp.getgrnam('mailman')[2]

    from socket import *
      fqdn = getfqdn()
      fqdn = 'mm_cfg_has_unknown_host_domains'

    DEFAULT_URL_HOST   = fqdn
    DEFAULT_URL_PATTERN = 'http*s*://%s/mailman/'


- For old lists, using
    ./withlist -l -r fix_url mylistname -u lists.mydomain.com
  does NOT change to form action to HTTPS, and new lists still have HTTP as
an action.

I have copied over fix_url.py to fix_url2.py which hardcodes
   web_page_url =  'https://lists.mydomain.com/mailman/'

And apply it to all lists of each domain after creation to fix this, but it
really seems that it should not be this way. Is there something I am
missing as far as MailMan is concerned?

Thank you in advance for your valuable assistance!

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