[Mailman-Users] Blank emails due to convert_html_to_plaintext

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Tue Apr 10 12:35:34 EDT 2018

On 04/09/2018 11:14 PM, Michael Bakonyi wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> thanks a lot for responding so quickly!
>> It should be on the content filtering page just above the "convert_html_to_plaintext" setting.
> Nope, in my case there's pass_mime_types.

If you don't have filter_filename_extensions and
pass_filename_extensions between pass_mime_types and
convert_html_to_plaintext then this is either some modified Mailman or
older than 2.1.6 (May, 2005). Since you don't have collapse_alternatives
which has been in 2.1 from the beginning, I suspect mods particularly
because of what I say below.

> Well the conversion works in general – only with some mails of some senders there seems to be a problem. Alright, I'll contact the hoster, thanks for your feedback!

I suspect the conversion never works. I suspect that when you think it
works, it is because the original message is multipart/alternative and
you are seeing the text/plain alternative from the original, not
converted HTML. Either collapse_alternatives is being done in spite of
your not seeing it as an option, or it is not being done and the result
is multipart/alternative with the original text/plain alternative
followed by an empty text/plain alternative converted from the original
text/html alternative.

The message you posted in your OP was just a text/html message, and I
suspect these are the ones that wind up blank.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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