[Mailman-Users] Blank emails due to convert_html_to_plaintext

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Mon Apr 9 09:21:03 EDT 2018

On April 8, 2018 5:08:49 AM PDT, Michael Bakonyi <kontakt at michaelbakonyi.de> wrote:
>I administer a list, where emails by some senders (e.g. the german
>mass-mailprovider GMX)  arrive with a stripped message (but existing
>Mailman-footer) due to convert_html_to_plaintext enabled.
>I don't see the option "collapse multipart/alternative" anywhere (which
>is mentioned in other threads regarding empty mails) so I guess it's an
>older version of Mailman.

It should be on the content filtering page just above the "convert_html_to_plaintext" setting.

> I don't have access to any
>configuration-files as it's a Mailman-instance of a shared hoster.

You will have to contact the host. HTML to plaintext conversion is done by the configured HTML_TO_PLAIN_TEXT_COMMAND (default lynx). There will be errors in Mailman's error log. Whatever the configured command is, it isn't working.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>
Sent from my Not_an_iThing with standards compliant, open source software.

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