[Mailman-Users] confirm email marked as spam - reduce unique identifier length?

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Mon May 16 08:53:27 EDT 2016

On May 15, 2016 9:47:50 PM PDT, Jim Dory <james at dorydesign.com> wrote:

>I believe that the subject of the confirmation email "confirm
>40c7fa45251ce14ecd7c26c712648332fa3b326b" is triggering the spam
>filter. Is it possible to reduce the subject line to something simpler?

Whoever manages the Mailman installation should set


In mm_cfg.py. This may or may not require MTA changes to recognize '+' as a recipient delimiter.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>
Sent from my Not_an_iThing with standards compliant, open source software.

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