[Mailman-Users] Regexp for blocking addresses

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Tue Sep 29 04:25:25 CEST 2015

On 09/28/2015 12:04 PM, Matthew Saltzman wrote:
> FIY, the ones I found were:
>  * ^nkymtky+.*@gmail\.com
>  * ^kihuwzl+.*@gmail\.com
>  * ^kihuotter+.*@gmail\.com
>  * ^hulexchan+.*@gmail\.com
>  * ^ewnetwork+.*@gmail\.com
>  * ^damofah+.*@gmail\.com
>  * ^bustysarahrae+.*@gmail\.com
>  * ^vujovich+.*@usc\.edu
>  * ^yesboobsofficial+.*@gmail\.com
>  * ^yowesephth+.*@gmail\.com
>  * ^ewnetwork2+.*@gmail\.com
>  * ^nwplayer123+.*@gmail\.com
> So I guessed that if I could just block those (with embedded periods),
> I'd have the issue covered. Have others seen other addresses?


bustys.arahrae+digits at gmail.com
dam.ofah+digits at gmail.com
ewne.twork2+digits at gmail.com
ewnet.work+digits at gmail.com
hul.exchan+digits at gmail.com
kihuo.tter+digits at gmail.com
kih.uwzl+digits at gmail.com
nky.mtky+digits at gmail.com
nw.player123+digits at gmail.com
vujovich+digits at usc.edu
yesboo.bsofficial+digits at gmail.com
yowesep.hth+digits at gmail.com

are just the ones seen at mail.python.org on Sept 28, CEST. I have seen
lots of others and other domains. The initial ones a few weeks ago had
only 5 digits, but lately, they all have more.

As noted in the post at
I checked and there was only one member
of one list out of all the python.org list subscribers that had a local
part ending with '+' and digits and it only had one digit between the
'+' and '@'.

There are a few that match the '+' followed by anything followed by at
least 3 digits followed by @ RE, so this RE


which requires 3 or more digits and only digits between + and @ is
safer, and


is safer still and I think would get all the ones I'm currently seeing.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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