[Mailman-Users] Text "Reappears" when MBox Archive Rebuilt

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Mon Nov 30 17:51:39 EST 2015

On 11/30/2015 02:37 PM, Dave Arndt wrote:
> The mystery is this:  How is it possible to edit out text from an mbox
> file, verify that it is NOT there with grep, then see it reappear in the
> resulting html file when bin/arch is run?
> It's almost as if editing the file with VI left the original text and
> only hid it with escape sequences or something.

But vi doesn't do that.

> Whatever it is... the mbox file that got uploaded to the new site HAD to
> have had the original text, even though that text does not show up with
> when running grep against that same mbox file (and is also not visible
> when editing the same file with VI)... 
> Strange.

Yes it's strange, and if everything is as you say, I can't explain it.

If you want to investigate further, create a new list on your local
installation and then run

bin/arch --wipe NEW_LISTNAME /path/to/edited/mbox

and see what appears in NEW_LISTNAME's archive. If the elided text is
not there, then I suggest that the archive wasn't built on the new
server with the same mbox. If the edlided text is there, it must be in
the mbox. berhaps grep doesn't find it because it is split across lines
or some other reason.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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