[Mailman-Users] spam coming through a moderated list after a shunt

Fil fil at rezo.net
Sun Nov 22 13:22:11 EST 2015


a spam went through a moderated list today, and the story is weird. Here's
what I understand/ (mailman version 2.1.20)

First, the message was received and rejected by the list moderators

logs/vette.log:Nov 22 14:56:45 2015 (10257) Message rejected, msgid: <
20151122135632.C128E412040 at mst135.mdreg-mstnew.qlc.co.in>

Then, the (rejected!) message was sent to the list members;

logs/post.log:Nov 22 17:05:41 2015 (15369) post to spip-ann from
mails at clovertourism.com, size=4374, message-id=<
20151122135632.C128E412040 at mst135.mdreg-mstnew.qlc.co.in>, success
logs/smtp.log:Nov 22 17:05:41 2015 (15369) <
20151122135632.C128E412040 at mst135.mdreg-mstnew.qlc.co.in> smtp to
for 2880 recips, completed in 2.228 seconds

The "reason" why this went through at 17+ is that I have a cron job that
tries to unshunt messages each day at that hour. So the (discarded then
shunted) message was unshunt and sent to the list.

logs/error.log:Nov 22 14:56:44 2015 (10257) IOError reading list extension:
[Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory:
logs/error.log:Nov 22 14:56:45 2015 (10257) Uncaught runner exception:
[Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory: '/var/local/mailman/qfiles/virgin'
logs/error.log:Nov 22 14:56:45 2015 (10257) Traceback (most recent call
logs/error.log:Nov 22 14:56:45 2015 (10257) SHUNTING:

-- Fil

(sorry for the initial message with wrong subject line)

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