[Mailman-Users] FW: Can the list prefix placed at the end of the subject line?

Marino, Dominic dmarino at law.fsu.edu
Thu Nov 19 15:29:46 EST 2015

I just need to know which files on the apache/unix server can be deleted to free some space(ie log files) being we are 98% used.  

Dominic Marino

-----Original Message-----
From: Mailman-Users [mailto:mailman-users-bounces+dmarino=law.fsu.edu at python.org] On Behalf Of Nicola Caon
Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2015 12:25 PM
To: mailman-users at python.org
Subject: [Mailman-Users] Can the list prefix placed at the end of the subject line?


here at my workplace several users have suggested that the list prefix be removed from the email subject, as the list prefix takes up precious space in the subject line and makes it more difficult to see what the email is about without opening it (especially on mobile or small screens).

In our case the problem is magnified by the fact that our main lists are actually made up of sublists, so that the email subject might go like [postdocs][researchers] Seminar tomorrow on ...

Other users strongly object to removing the list prefix altogether from the email subject.

Perhaps the best compromise would be moving the list prefix at the end of the subject line, however it seems that there is no such option in mailman (we are running version 2.1.15).

Are there any hidden settings or some simple change to the code that can enable this option? Or could it be implemented in a future release?


Nicola Caon
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