[Mailman-Users] Conceal the member's address

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Sat May 2 18:45:54 CEST 2015

On 05/02/2015 09:07 AM, EyeLand wrote:
> Hello, on ”General Options - Default options for new members joining this
> list. - Conceal the member's address”
> http://i11.pixs.ru:/storage/9/6/1/1JPG_2435911_17190961.jpg
> I deactivate check box, but on letter I not see the subscriber email
> http://i11.pixs.ru:/storage/9/6/2/2JPG_7009327_17190962.jpg, can you
> consult? Thank you.

I am unable to see your screen shots - i11.pixs.ru doesn't resolve in my
local DNS and if I look up the A records in ns1.nameself.com and use the
IP, I get 403 or 404 errors.

In any case, unchecking the box only affects the default setting for new
members. Changing the boxes on ”General Options - Default options for
new members joining this list." has no effect on existing members.

Further, that specific option is the "hide" checkbox on the Membership
Management... -> Membership List pages which is also the "Conceal
yourself from subscriber list?" setting on the user's options page, and
the only thing that controls is the presence or absence of that member
on the roster (e.g. http://example.com/mailman/roster/listname).

Also, since Mailman 2.1.10 all members are shown on the roster
regardless of user option if you are authenticated as the list admin or
moderator or site admin.

Since I can't see your screen shots, I don't know what you mean by
"letter", so if the above doesn't answer your question, please give some
detail, possibly by copying/pasting text, so we know what the issue is.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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