[Mailman-Users] mails send from sendmail with commandline to mailman become 'Message has implicit destination'

MichaelLeung gbcbooksmj at gmail.com
Sun Dec 27 03:37:44 EST 2015

i think is related to the sender address

  as i use -r to speacified a maillist address as the sender address and 
send this mail to this maillist , Mailman will report the issue , which 
mean while , if the from address is differen to recipient address, 
mailman will accept it.

On 12/27/2015 02:22 PM, MichaelLeung wrote:
> as i said
> i have three machines
> two are mailman servers,
> one is responsible for sending mail
> i send mails to these from the third machine to that two mailman 
> servers, one accepted the message , but the other one didnot.
> On 12/27/2015 01:45 PM, Mark Sapiro wrote:
>> On 12/26/2015 09:42 PM, Mark Sapiro wrote:
>>> On 12/26/2015 09:19 PM, MichaelLeung wrote:
>>>> i get confuse, how did it work on the other mailman server.
>>> Do you have 1) two different Mailman servers one of which accepts the
>>> message an one of which doesn't or do you have 2) two different 
>>> machines
>>> from which you send the message to the same mailman server or do you
>>> perhaps have 3) two different machines from which you send the message
>>> to two different mailman servers?
>>> if 1) it is because the Mailman list which accepts the message has its
>>> Privacy options... -> Recipient filters -> require_explicit_destination
>>> set to No and the other list has it set to Yes.
>>> if 2) it is because the 'mail' command on the non-working machine is 
>>> broken.
>>> if 3) it is one of those two reasons.
>>> Please answer these questions:
>>> 1) on how many different machines do you run the mail command? If more
>>> than one, does it work from one and not another?
>>> 2) how many mailman lists/servers are there? If more than one, does it
>>> work on one and not another?
>>> on the machine(s) on which you run the mail command,
>> Ignore the above incomplete message. The relevant message is
>> <https://mail.python.org/pipermail/mailman-users/2015-December/080249.html> 

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