[Mailman-Users] Changing ports doesn't seem to work

Brian Rudy brian at rudyconnect.com
Wed Oct 29 18:32:29 CET 2014

Hello all,

Due to changing ISP's I was forced to change my web port to something 
other than 80.  On port 80, everything was working well. I moved all of 
my web interfaces to port 8000.  I thought I followed the instructions 
correctly and did:

bin/withlist -l -r fix_url <listname>

It seems to work fine using 
http://host.example.com:8000/mailman/admin/<listname> but any link I 
click on doesn't add in the port number (:8000) so by default, it's 
trying port 80.  Is there any way around that?  If I manually copy the 
link and paste it in the url of the browser and manually add in the 
:8000 the link works fine.  The problem then is when I try to submit 
something... It doesn't take.

I would appreciate any assistance.

Thank you,

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