[Mailman-Users] Archive merge and search

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Tue Nov 4 19:26:15 CET 2014

On 11/04/2014 01:38 AM, Hal wrote:
> 1) I now have two separate list archives: the old Majordomo (monthly)
> archive and the new Mailman archive (not sure yet how it's
> organized/located but assume it's going by the default settings.
> How do I merge the Majordomo archives with Mailman's current archives?

You need to get the majordomo archives in *nix mbox format. Then see the
FAQ at <http://wiki.list.org/x/oIA9> for merging instructions.

> 2) I also have a website associated with the mailing list which has a
> simple search function for the old Majordomo archives. It also has a
> basic filter for munging email addresses.
> As I'm rebuilding the website I want a more efficient and up-to-date
> search function which searches simultaneously through the website and
> mailing list archive. I've been told that one which uses a database
> (PostgreSQL, SQLite etc.) is benefitial. Also, the archive-filter should
> be more advanced (I don't need the email headers/footers to show up in
> the search results), and finally it would be nice to have the relevant
> results show a whole list-thread on the searched subject to show up as
> opposed to just separate messages/and the website results, so people can
> follow a relevant discussion on whatever they've searched.
> Can someone suggest a search script which will allow me to do this? It
> seems to be a real challenge to find something which is up-to-date,
> still supported and working well if you don't want to use Google's local
> search feature.

Mailman 3 and it's archiver may do what you want. It's unlikely you can
get all of it in Mailman 2.1, but see the FAQ at

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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