[Mailman-Users] Who authored the message?

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Tue May 13 19:47:05 CEST 2014

On 05/13/2014 09:48 AM, Dave Nathanson wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> We've got Mailman 2.1.17 at Dreamhost. 
> In this case, the message author MUA does not provide their display name, and 
> the list _does_ have a real name for that person, but Mailman did not insert it. So after going through Mailman, the 
>>From header said only: "Via AlmostEverybody at list.example.com". 

That's fixed in 2.1.18.

> Today I experimented with first_strip_reply_to set to No.  
> This means that a reply is addressed to both the list and to previous author. 
> If nodups = Yes. 
> Then the previous author will get only 1 copy of the message. But the copy they get is the direct mail (including senders email address), not the list mail. When that person replies to the message, it will only go to the most recent previous author, not to the list. 
> Maybe this is acceptable(?), since most of the time people don't reply to their own list messages?  

DMARC has forced mitigation responses. As far as I can tell, there are
no ways to deal with this that don't involve impacts on message
readability, replies or both other than not accepting messages From:
domains with DMARC p=reject.

> Im my experience, the majority of users are incapable of adding or deleting anything from the Reply-To or To field. That's why up to now, I've opted for the Reply-To to only contain the desired list address. 

And these are the same users who would never see an X-Mailman-* header.

Note: that there are reasons for wanting replies to go to the poster and
the list. E.g., the poster may be receiving digests so including her in
replies keeps her in the loop without her having to wait for the next

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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