[Mailman-Users] Who authored the message?

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Tue May 13 06:32:02 CEST 2014

On 05/12/2014 08:45 PM, Dave Nathanson wrote:
> I saw a message today sent to a list named "AlmostEverybody". The message author did not properly configure their MUA (Verizon webmail) with their proper name, so the only identifier is their email address. Which is of course now deleted as part of DEMARC compliance. Leaving us with a message and no indication of who sent it. The "From" was merely "Via AlmostEverybody at list.example.com". No name, no author email address. Of course no sig either. 

What Mailman version are you using? In the current version (2.1.18-1)
you should be seeing the either the author's display name from her From:
header or if none and From: a list member, the members real name from
the membership list, or if none, at least the local part of the email

Also, the author's original From: will be in Reply-To: in every case,
except see bug <https://bugs.launchpad.net/mailman/+bug/1318025>.

> List members are unable to reply off-list to the author, and they don't even know who the author is. 

Again, what is your Mailman version and what are your Reply-To munging
settings. In versions older than 2.1.18, I think you should still see
the author's address in Reply-To: if first_strip_reply_to is No.

> Would it be a reasonable feature request to add the author's name & email address as a X-Header? Some of us not only read the headers on a regular basis, but we even configure our MUA to display certain message Headers. (My favorites are Reply-To, X-Mailer, and User-Agent). 

I don't think it's necessary. If the author's address isn't in
Reply-To:, it should be, and the absence is a bug. Is that not sufficient?

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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