[Mailman-Users] DMARC and Reply-To lines with from_is_list munging.

Glenn Sieb ges+lists at wingfoot.org
Wed May 7 21:45:08 CEST 2014

On 5/7/14, 12:08 AM, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> What is the intent of the restriction?  Are you trying to get the
> users to use "reply to author" by punishing them with a black hole if
> they don't, and then set Reply-To to list-post so that nobody ever
> gets a personal reply?  Or is this intended to prevent people from
> including 3rd parties in the OP (of course, you can't -- they can
> always BCC and you'll never know)?

What my list owners want out of my lists, and what rules they decide on
for their lists, is not my business. By extension, it is not yours. I
provide them email lists, they ask for things that seem reasonable to
me. When those things suddenly are yanked away, they complain, and I'm
left holding the bag of trying to answer "why."

Your attempt to "explain away" the request by making it sound like some
kind of absurd policy is disingenuous at best.

> I suppose your users would get upset if you used
> dmarc_moderation_action = 'Wrap Message' instead of whichever_option =
> 'Mung From'?

Some use mobile devices. So there's the answer to that question.

> Given Mark's reply, probably you'll need use a custom Handler,
> whatever the requirements.  Is that acceptable (ie, you have the
> necessary accesses)?  N.B. It's possible to restrict use of Handlers
> to particular lists by giving them list-specific pipelines.

I'm just trying to see if there are better options out there. This DMARC
stuff is ridiculous. The providers aren't being blamed for this, we (the
mailing-list providers) are. Doesn't help that the users on services
responsible for the DMARC p=reject stuff aren't getting the bounces,
it's other people whose ISPs are respecting it who are, and they're the
ones who get bounced off of lists because it's *their* bounce score that
gets increased.

It's ridiculous. And I want to know why, exactly, Yahoo Groups isn't
being affected by this. They're not doing the "via YahooGroup" bit, or
wrapping their mails. :-\ I'm betting they're not even honoring the
DMARC from other providers.

*sigh* I hate this frustration.


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