[Mailman-Users] Add PayPal to DNs publishing DMARC p=reject

Peter Shute pshute at nuw.org.au
Mon May 5 00:24:47 CEST 2014

Larry Finch wrote:
> This is probably the first actual practical application of 
> DMARC p=reject that I have seen. Unfortunately, Yahoo's and 
> AOL's abuse of DMARC will tend to neutralize the benefit of 
> DMARC to financial institutions who have a really serious 
> spoofing problem.

How does Yahoo's DMARC policy reduce the benefit of Paypal's? Because servers can't follow the reject recommendation without 

And does the emergence of legitimate p=reject policies mean it's now less likely Yahoo and AOL will back down?

Here's a cpanel forum thread about the problem, discussing when cpanel's version of mailman will incorporate the features necessary to deal with the problem:

Peter Shute

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