[Mailman-Users] Ignore DMARC bounces?

Peter Shute pshute at nuw.org.au
Fri Jun 13 21:24:20 CEST 2014

>> On 14 Jun 2014, at 3:23 am, "Sparr" <sparr0 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Then there is the fact that many real world MTAs report in their own way
>> and don't necessarily provide enough information to tell what the reason
>> is. Take a look at Mailman/Bouncers/* to get an idea of what you'd be up
>> against.
>>> Yahoo & ATT say this:
>>>     554 5.7.9 Message not accepted for policy reasons.  See
>>>     http://postmaster.yahoo.com/errors/postmaster-28.html
>>> AOL says this:
>>>     521 5.2.1 :  (DMARC) This message failed DMARC Evaluation
>>>     and is being refused due to provided DMARC Policy
>>> Comcast says this:
>>>     550 5.2.0 x4fx1n03n5DGQ1A034fysP Message rejected due to
>>>     DMARC. Please see
>>>     http://postmaster.comcast.net/smtp-error-codes.php#DM000001
>>> MSN/Hotmail say this:
>>>     550 5.7.0 (BAY0-MCn-Fn) Unfortunately, messages from (N.N.N.N)
>>>     on behalf of (yahoo.com) could not be delivered due to
>>>     domain owner policy restrictions.)
> Yahoo, ATT, MSN, Hotmail, and Google all seem to respond with 5.7.x
> status codes. If ignoring 5.7.x responses is a good approach, and a
> large fraction (significant majority, I suspect) of users use services
> that give 5.7.x responses, and mailman is already able to parse those
> responses, then it sounds like ignoring 5.7.x bounces (or counting
> them differently) is a viable step to take.

It probably(?) can't hurt, but what's the point if each bounce represents an undelivered message? Isn't it better to modify the messages so they don't bounce?

Peter Shute

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