[Mailman-Users] [Question] Where are the Moderated Messages?

GoogleErsatz googleersatz at oliverniebuhr.de
Fri Jan 17 03:04:54 CET 2014

‎Well that explains a lot. Thanks

I am not a Pro (yet) with Mailman‎. If I could code Python I would contribute something myself. But learning C++ takes the rest of my spare time .

I hope to see a $uitool‎ of some sort in a new Version - somehow, somewhere, someday :)


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Von: Stephen J. Turnbull
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 16. Januar 2014 15:12
An: Oliver Niebuhr
Cc: mailman-users at python.org
Betreff: Re: [Mailman-Users] [Question] Where are the Moderated Messages?

Oliver Niebuhr writes:

> I dont understand why there is no UI for Accessing this Messages
> directly - in one way or another.

That's easy enough to explain: Mailman was written in a age when
sysadmin == Mailman admin (and often, == list owner/admin/moderator)
was the primary use case. So, the shell is the UI. Virtual hosting
services and large organizations adopted Mailman without contributing
patches to enable such features as needed in their environment.

These issues should generally be alleviated in Mailman 3, but that's a
project that has been ongoing for several years.


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