[Mailman-Users] DMARC and From header munging

Terry Earley terry at fiteyes.com
Thu Apr 17 20:26:22 CEST 2014

I have been following this thread with interest, and relieved that for our
list, all posts are moderated. We have determined to repost all messages
coming from Yahoo with our moderator's account.

To your question if VERP might be a partial answer, we are using VERP and
"Full personalization" so the posters email address is passed through. we
are still getting the DMARC error. Here is what came back to my gmail
address as a result of a Yahoo post (which I did not receive):

> Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 550-5.7.1 Unauthenticated email from yahoo.com is
> not
>     accepted due to domain's 550-5.7.1 DMARC policy. Please contact
>     administrator of yahoo.com domain if 550-5.7.1 this was a legitimate
> mail.
>     Please visit 550-5.7.1  http://support.google.com/mail/answer/2451690to
>     learn about DMARC 550 5.7.1 initiative. x7si9647998qaj.232 - gsmtp

Terry Earley
801 810-4175
Donate to FitEyes <http://www.fiteyes.com/community/donate-to-fiteyes>

On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 12:01 PM, Lindsay Haisley <fmouse at fmp.com> wrote:

> It occurred to me that one possible variation on From: header munging
> which wouldn't break any applications depending on this being an actual,
> working address for a post's author, while still passing DMARC
> authentication, would be for Mailman to change the From: address to a
> VERP-like address with the author's address encapsulated within an
> address @ the list server.  Any mail received by the list server for
> this address would have its address parsed by Mailman and be redirected
> to the original author's real email address.  Would this pass RFC
> compliance?
> --
> Lindsay Haisley       | "Everything works if you let it"
> FMP Computer Services |
> 512-259-1190          |          --- The Roadie
> http://www.fmp.com    |
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