[Mailman-Users] email subscribe command not responding

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Wed Apr 16 15:01:09 CEST 2014

On 04/16/2014 04:25 AM, Mailman Admin wrote:
> Am 2014-04-15 23:25, schrieb Walt Thiessen:
>> I have a list where the email command to subscribe another user doesn't
>> seem to work when I include it in the body of an email and send it to
>> mylist-request at mydomain.tld.
>> subscribe [$<$PASSWORD$>$] [digest|nodigest] [address=$<$ADDRESS$>$]
>> When I try to use it, I get no notification back of any kind.
>> is there a setting somewhere that might be affecting this functionality?

This is probably expected. The email subscribe does not respond if the
subscribe command is successful and the subscribe requires confirmation.
This is because in the normal case, the subscription is for the user
submitting the command and it's redundant to send both "results of your
email commands" and "your subscription requires confirmation" emails.

In your case however, the "your subscription requires confirmation"
email goes to a different address and you get nothing.

You may consider this a bug, but fixing it is tricky as the subscribed
address may or may not be an alternate for the submitter's address and
"correct" behavior may depend on that which is unknowable.

> Did you activate this functionality for this list "mylist" ?
> Look for:
> administrivia -> Yes
> autorespond_requests	(Yes if you want always a response)
> autorespond_request_text

You can use the Auto-responder settings to generate an auto response to
the message to mylist-request at mydomain.tld, but this autoresponse only
tells you that the message was received. It doesn't say what the
disposition was.

You can assume the request was successful because you should receive a
response to the command if there was an error.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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