[Mailman-Users] Problem with remove-members -f filename list command not working

Antonio Colin dftonywhite at hotmail.com
Fri Mar 22 21:23:05 CET 2013

Hi guys, I am working with Mailman version 2.1.13-5 on Debian 6, kernel 2.6.32-5.
I have some lists configured and when I try to delete a user from one of them doing some of these:

$ echo "john.liman at aaamerica.comm.mx" | /usr/lib/mailman/bin/remove_members -f - gerencia
$ /usr/lib/mailman/bin/remove_members -f archivo.txt Gerencia
$ /usr/lib/mailman/bin/remove_members gerencia john.liman at aaamerica.com.mx
$ remove_members -n gerencia john.liman at aaamerica.com.mx

They don't work at all giving a prompt waiting for input. And it ends only when I press ^C 
(throwing a traceback which I posted here: http://pastebin.com/jt8C3Qjq ) or ^Z. 
^D does nothing. I got help from a mailman user on #mailman and he set up a fake user account 
and executed my command to deleted and he managed to delete it after pressing ^D which won't 
work in my case. 

Mailman logs in /var/log got nothing, not even some text on them. I would definitely appreciate any help


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