[Mailman-Users] Using set_mod.py

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Sat Feb 2 02:01:28 CET 2013

On 2/1/2013 3:41 PM, Chris Nulk wrote:

> In the script I use the following to run set_mod.py:
>   /usr/lib/mailman/bin/withlist --run /usr/lib/mailman/bin/set_mod
> LISTNAME --unset address at example.com

/usr/lib/mailman/bin/withlist --help

might help, but the argument to --run is a module name, not a path. The
module must be in a directory in Python's sys.path which is why the
script says "Save as bin/set_mod.py" which you have correctly done, but
the command you need is

/usr/lib/mailman/bin/withlist --run set_mod LISTNAME --unset
address at example.com

> [...]
> Just to make sure I am running withlist and set_mod correctly, I did
> change into the mailman directory (/usr/lib/mailman) and run the command
> as recommended in the documentation:
>   bin/withlist --run bin/set_mod LISTNAME --unset address at example.com

That is not the command recommended in the documentation which says:

Save as bin/set_mod.py

Run via

   bin/withlist -r set_mod <listname> <option> <member> ...
> As a matter of fact, things went from bad to worse.  All the different
> trys I did may have corrupted my test list.  I had to delete the list
> and recreate it.

Those errors from withlist should not have corrupted your list. The
script never got far enough to save any changes. However, if at any
point you gave the '-l' option to withlist, withlist might have left the
list locked. It shouldn't, but it's hard to say without more info.

> Is there a magic incantation so I can run set_mod.py in a script like my
> first command above?

It's not magic. See above.

> Is there an easy way to modify set_mod.py so I can run it without using
> withlist (like add_members, remove_members, etc.)?

Easy for me, yes.

There is a moral here. Before handling loaded guns, you need to take the
gun safety class or you might shoot yourself in the foot. The analogy to
the gun safety class here is perhaps

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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