[Mailman-Users] Moving a List from 2.1.11 (Mac) --> 2.1.9 (RHEL linux)

Drew Tenenholz drew.tenenholz at isid.org
Tue Aug 20 19:05:41 CEST 2013

All --

Anything to be particularly aware of when moving a list from 2.1.11 on a Mac server (where I ignored the Apple pre-installed version of Mailman and set up a new installation from the Mailman source so at least the components are where they are supposed to be, OS X 10.5.8 [!] ) to a Linux server running RHEL 5.x and Mailman 2.1.9.

I wouldn't prefer to downgrade, but consolidation of mailman to a single machine is going to be helpful in the long run.  Unfortunately for me, I'm going from the Mac server where I have full control to a Linux server operated by a partner organization where I have somewhat less control in that I can't upgrade Mailman from the RHEL release version.

I've read through the FAQ 3.4 at <http://wiki.list.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=4030682> which seems to indicate that it will generally be OK, but I'm looking for any changes that make my 2.1.11 list (which is in Cyrillic, by the way) not work well on the 2.1.9 installation (which does mostly English, and some Spanish & Portuguese, but nothing from a non-Roman alphabet right now).

Drew Tenenholz

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