[Mailman-Users] View all topics and who's subscribed to them

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Wed May 9 04:00:53 CEST 2012

Kanwar Ranbir Sandhu wrote:
>How can I pull out from the cli how many topics are configured in
>mailman, and who's subscribed to them?  Do I need to write a script or
>is one available somewhere on the intertubes?

You probably need to create at least a withlist script, but it's pretty
simple. something like

def list_topics(mlist):
    if mlist.topics:
        print ('List %s has the following topics defined:' %
        for name, pattern, desc, emptyflag in mlist.topics:
            print '    Topic name: %s; Pattern: %s' % (name, pattern)
            print '        Subscribed users:'
            for user in mlist.getRegularMemberKeys():
                if name in mlist.getMemberTopics(user):
                    print '            %s' % user
        print 'List %s has no topics defined.' % mlist.real_name

This will print a topic followed by the list of users subscribed to it,
followed by the next, etc.

It could easily be rearranged to print all the topics followed by a
list of users and their subscribed topics. E.g., something like:

def list_topics(mlist):
    if mlist.topics:
        print ('List %s has the following topics defined:' %
        for name, pattern, desc, emptyflag in mlist.topics:
            print '    Topic name: %s; Pattern: %s' % (name, pattern)
        for user in mlist.getRegularMemberKeys():
            if mlist.getMemberTopics(user):
                print 'User %s is subscribed to' % user
                for topic in mlist.getMemberTopics(user):
                    print '    %s' % topic
        print 'List %s has no topics defined.' % mlist.real_name

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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