[Mailman-Users] Setting Up Mailman

Larry Stone lstone19 at stonejongleux.com
Wed Apr 18 18:09:17 CEST 2012

On Wed, 18 Apr 2012, Wayne Cook wrote:

> I'm trying to move mailman from OSX server to OSX client on a mac mini 
> with OSX 10.6 installed on the machine.
> I'm not a terminal expert, but can usually follow and figure things out, 
> so I'm attempting to follow these instructions as closely as possible:
> http://mail.python.org/pipermail/mailman-users/2010-May/069385.html

I'm the author of that.

> Obviously I'm not doing something correctly because stuff isn't giving 
> me the correct response when I check to see what python processes are 
> running.
> I have some screen shots here:
> http://www.mycoachonline.com/mailmanshots/

Unfortunately, that page appears to be broken. Firefox just displays the 
alternate text and IE gives a red X.

> PS I think there is a typo in step 8 of the instructions, but I've tried 
> it as written and the two ways that I think it should be written.  It 
> says create "start_mailman.sh" and the next line is "vi 
> mailman_start.sh", which may be correct if you know what you're doing, 
> but to a novice like me it looks like one begins with start and the 
> other begins with mailman...should it be as written or modified?

That is an error. It is start_mailman.sh.

But I am concerned that with three references in Step 8 to the file as 
start_mailman.sh and just the one as mailman_start.sh, you only THINK it's 
a typo. Even though it's Terminal and not a GUI, if you can't recognize 
that as an obvious typo, you might well be in over your head. Running 
server software requires an understanding of how things should be working 
to recognize when they're not working.

And also, I assume familiarity with a Terminal text editor. While I've 
given you the format of the Terminal command to edit the file in vi (and 
vi is not the only way to edit a text file, it's just the one I know and 
use), I have not given you all the needed vi commands to create the file. 
If you merely typed the lines I said need to be be in the file without any 
vi commands, you did not end up with the file you need.

-- Larry Stone
    lstone19 at stonejongleux.com

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