[Mailman-Users] the list not send messages of awaiting approvalto admin

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Thu Nov 24 18:35:02 CET 2011

Malcolm Austen wrote:

>On Thu, 24 Nov 2011 11:56:16 -0000, deconya <elmailpersonal at gmail.com>  
>> I have a list with moderation bit active, but when someone subscribers
>> send and email, mailman not sends advising mail to moderators. Where I
>> can start to check the problem?
>It is documented that, under emergency moderation, only the daily notice  
>of held posts is sent to the moderators - they don't get an email notice  
>for every single post.

The above is correct and is the answer if by "moderation bit active"
you mean you set emergency (Emergency moderation of all list traffic.)
to Yes.

On the other hand, if you moderate users the 'correct' way by setting
each user's mod bit on (see Membership Management... -> Membership
List -> Additional Member Tasks) and setting Privacy options... ->
Sender filters -> default_member_moderation to Yes to moderate new
members by default, then the moderators will get notices of held posts
as long as General Options -> admin_immed_notify is Yes.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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