[Mailman-Users] Editing MM-List-Subscription-Msg

Mike Starr mike at writestarr.com
Mon May 23 16:46:01 CEST 2011


Thanks much for your response.

Yes, I did realize I could directly edit that bit of HTML, replacing the <MM-List-Subscription-Msg> tag with my own specific text. I was not sure, though, if there was some sort of mechanism in the built-in user interface for editing the content of the variable that I (clueless bowb that I sometimes am) had overlooked.  All things considered, when a chunk of text is sourced from a variable, I'd rather modify the variable definition instead of just taking it out of the process.

However, it also just seems to me that this is one of those things that should probably be editable on the *General Options* form page itself, like most of the other text chunks. That's why I also asked about the procedure for adding that editing capability as a feature request for the *General Options* form page.

Best regards,

Mike Starr                            WriteStarr Information Services
Technical Writer  -  Online Help Developer  -   Technical Illustrator
Graphic Designer    -    Desktop Publisher   -       MS Office Expert
(262)  694-1028  -  mike at writestarr.com  -  http://www.writestarr.com

On 5/23/2011 9:25 AM, Mark Sapiro wrote:
> Mike Starr wrote:
>> I had really hoped this would be something I could modify from the *General Options* section but no joy. So now I'm apparently going to have to figure out how to edit code on the server somewhere. Can someone point me to what I have to do to edit this particular variable? I've got the sneaking suspicion that this stuff is not going to be easy to gain access to on the hosting company's server.
> You are making this more difficult than it needs be, The replacement
> for the<MM-List-Subscription-Msg>  tag is the result of a procedure in
> Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py named FormatSubscriptionMsg(), and it creates
> an 'appropriate' message based on the list's subscribe_policy,
> private_roster and umbrella_list settings.
> However, if you don't like the generated message for your list, just
> edit the list's *General list information page* and replace the
> <MM-List-Subscription-Msg>  tag with whatever text you want.

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