[Mailman-Users] Server Configuration..

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Sun Jun 26 23:29:52 CEST 2011

Khalil Abbas wrote:

>this sucks! I've created a list of 100,000 subscribers .. SMTP_MAX_RCPTS=5, 
>throttle worked perfectly, 800 emails per minute.. the messages should be 
>delivered in a 2 hours time .. now it's 4 hours and 47,000 messages are 
>stuck because hotmail n yahoo are deferring ..

We cannot help you directly. Hotmail and Yahoo think you are a spammer.
You have to negotiate with them directly and convince them that you
aren't and that their customers want your mail and get them to
whitelist your server.

>I read somewhere that the biggest list that's using mailman is 500,000 in 
>size.. is it really true or only 50,000 messages are going thru n the rest 
>is delayed or even bounced back..

It is probably true, but it is also probably true that there aren't
hundreds of thousands of Hotmail addresses on that list.

>I don't know what to do ... I did everything in the book.. our viewers had 
>subscribed to our lists with double opt-in .. mailman is properly 
>configured.. I don't know what yahoo and hotmail really want! I'm so 
>desperate and disappointed..

How are they supposed to know your list is double opt-in if you don't
talk to them? See the FAQ at <http://wiki.list.org/x/4oA9>. You are
going to have to contact them and convince them to whitelist you if
you can.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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