[Mailman-Users] when renaming a virtual domain the listinfo command can't show list

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Fri Dec 23 19:03:31 CET 2011

On 12/23/2011 12:35 AM, Peter Sørensen wrote:
> I have a list named mytest in mydomain.sdu.dk and i want to change the domain to newdomain.sdu.dk
> I call withlist -l -r fix_url.py testsdu mytest -u newdomain.sdu.dk

If you did literally the above, it didn't work. You must not have a .py
extension on fix_url. Also, it appears you are trying to do two lists.
This requires two commands:

withlist -l -r fix_url testsdu -u newdomain.sdu.dk
withlist -l -r fix_url mytest -u newdomain.sdu.dk

> And then genaliases to rebuild the virtiual-mailman file
> I can address the list and everything seems to work apart from the list is missing on the web
> when using the listinfo command. I'm sure that his is because a url is changed but I can't
> find out where. It's not in the config file. Where to look ??

If the above is not the issue, then perhaps you are not visiting the
correct listinfo URL. Lists whose host in their web_page_url attribute
is newdomain.sdu.dk will only appear on the listinfo page
http://newdomain.sdu.dk/mailman/listinfo. They won't appear on any other
host's listinfo unless you set VIRTUAL_HOST_OVERVIEW = Off in mm_cfg.py.
See the FAQs at <http://wiki.list.org/x/6oA9> and

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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