[Mailman-Users] TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'NoneType' objects

Jesus Cea jcea at jcea.es
Thu Apr 14 14:06:05 CEST 2011

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Hi. This is a recurrent issue.

This morning I received this:

Your "cron" job on stargate
/usr/local/bin/python2.5 -S /home/mailman/cron/disabled

produced the following output:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/mailman/cron/disabled", line 224, in <module>
  File "/home/mailman/cron/disabled", line 208, in main
  File "/home/mailman/Mailman/Bouncer.py", line 280, in sendNextNotification
    msg['Subject'] = 'confirm ' + info.cookie
TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'NoneType' objects

The problem is, the particular user is marked as "disabled delivery",
but its bounce information is not the responsible for that:

>>> m.getDeliveryStatus("X")
>>> m.bounce_info["X"]
<bounce info for member X
        current score: 1.0
        last bounce date: (2011, 4, 13)
        email notices left: 7
        last notice date: (1970, 1, 2)
        confirmation cookie: None

So the delivery is disabled because "bounce", but the bounce score is
too low for it (my threshold is 5.0).

When the "cron" executes "disabled" to send out the reminders, it tries
to send to this user, but the process fails because the user is marked
as "bounce" but no confirmation cookie is available.

So, the process dies. No more notifications mails are send. PANIC! :).

I think I can solve this particular case, for a while, doing
"m.setDeliveryStatus("X", 0)". But I will wait a couple of days, just in
case you want me to do any kind of test.

Checking the logs, I see this: (email and listname not shown)

bounce:Apr 13 09:17:59 2011 (1567) list: X bounce score: 1.0
bounce:Apr 13 13:56:29 2011 (5194) list: X already scored a bounce for
date 13-Apr-2011
bounce:Apr 14 09:00:03 2011 (24248) Notifying disabled member X for
list: list
bounce:Apr 14 12:05:16 2011 (12355) Notifying disabled member X for
list: list
bounce:Apr 14 12:06:21 2011 (12546) Notifying disabled member X for
list: list
bounce:Apr 14 12:17:09 2011 (14017) list: X residual bounce received
bounce:Apr 14 13:31:00 2011 (20518) Notifying disabled member X for
list: list
bounce:Apr 14 13:31:15 2011 (20554) Notifying disabled member X for
list: list

So here we have mailman getting a bounce for the address yesterday, and
the original "notification" try and my subsequent tests, today.

Hipotesis: The user set "disable delivery" but we have some bounces
coming back, so the "disable delivery" sets by user is mutated
incorrectly to "user bouncing", causing this problem.

Some more data:

>>> m.getDeliveryStatusChangeTime("X")
>>> import time
>>> time.ctime(1302776230.914567)
'Thu Apr 14 12:17:10 2011'
>>> m.getDeliveryStatus("X")

The change date, is consistent with this line on my log:

bounce:Apr 14 12:17:09 2011 (14017) list: X residual bounce received

This happens from time to time, and it is really painful, since others
users are not getting their reminders, or they are getting them too late
and their token has already expired.

I will keep this state for a couple of days, just in case you need some
more info. Then, I will clean it up. But this is a recurrent issue,
happens from time to time.

Thanks for your help!

PS: I am using Mailman 2.1.12 with Python 2.5.

- -- 
Jesus Cea Avion                         _/_/      _/_/_/        _/_/_/
jcea at jcea.es - http://www.jcea.es/     _/_/    _/_/  _/_/    _/_/  _/_/
jabber / xmpp:jcea at jabber.org         _/_/    _/_/          _/_/_/_/_/
.                              _/_/  _/_/    _/_/          _/_/  _/_/
"Things are not so easy"      _/_/  _/_/    _/_/  _/_/    _/_/  _/_/
"My name is Dump, Core Dump"   _/_/_/        _/_/_/      _/_/  _/_/
"El amor es poner tu felicidad en la felicidad de otro" - Leibniz
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